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Sunday 15 October 2017

All God wants is a Relationship.

Our personal relationships are not given to us by God solely for our own fulfillment, but to mirror God's love towards us.

Everytime in the Bible, it drew parallels between the love of God towards us and the love of a father- child, mother - child, bride - bridegroom, and God used these relationships as an imagery to help us fully understand His love for us!
If you have ever experienced a love that is unconditional, patient, ever giving, it's not just for you to want it and enjoy it, but to understand that, that is the way God is commending his love to you!
The love you see in the hard working single mother that would do anything to put her kids through life with a soft landing, a father, frustrated by his child's behavior but still is a provider anyway, a significant other that would support the other financially without asking for anything in return.
You See, what these love filled relationships God has blessed us with do is give us an insight; just a tip of the iceberg on how much God's love is for us! And it should make you appreciate His love for you more, it should make it more real, practical, relatable. Let me summarize God for you, God is love! That's the summary of the mystery of God, He can't exist outside himself, love!
And love keeps on loving, keeps on giving!
On the flip side, if you have experience a love that is unreciprocated, disrespectful, controlling, passive, holding back; that too gives you an insight on the heart of God and how he feels when we drag him through our mess.
when we say we love Him with our lips but our lives tell different stories. You know grace is available and love keeps on giving but understand the heart of love; where love exists, there is  vulnerability and where vulnerability exists there's the chance of getting hurt.
And many people don't understand it this way, that they hurt God's feelings. Oh no you say? God does not have feelings? When you say I can do whatever I want with my life, you've just discounted God's plans for your life and the awesome purpose He has for you.
No God won't punish you for doing whatever you like, how you feel like, he won't punish you for your compromise or for not spending time with him, or the brethren or for persisting in that addiction and immoral lifestyle but He feels, the Holy Spirit can be grieved and maybe you should have expected him to scream from heaven to stop you, maybe you didn't feel anything when you did what he was convicting you not to. No he won't contend with you, he won't make you miserable, he'll encourage you and build you up to make better decisions and maybe that's why we keep passing up his convictions and keep hurting him with our lifestyle.
but what is love without choice?
And maybe the reason you are still struggling with sin is because you've not felt the disappointment of a parent that have given their all into a child that is turning out rebellious, you've not experienced the hurt of a passive lover that claims they love you but are emotionally closed out, you haven't experienced the hurt of a child who's daddy left and was never there. And maybe if you have been in these situations you can understand how we drag God through every rotten thing, after he's invested his whole love, given us his son, his spirit, and daily commending his love towards us.
We aren't concerned about what his word has to say on certain issues like morality, we trust in our own understanding, we don't want to spend time meditating, talking to him in prayer, we're  basically not reciprocating his live.
But love keeps on giving, keeps on loving, maybe one day it would woo us completely to its side.
But the reason many Christians struggle with stuff is that they don't have a relationship with God! And I know you want to say, no, I'm born again! But relationship has to be built. You need to learn your partner's rhythm, understand their heart, understand what slights them, what gasses them up. If you truly had a good relationship with God, you'd be more concerned about glorifying Him in any situation than anything, you'll be constrained by pure love, not judgement, not fear of hell fire but the love for the one who has given his all for you and will never stop chasing you!! Until you deep his love for you, you'll never be free to serve him!
Because at the apex of God, is not miracles, healing, signs and wonders, mighty revivals raising the dead, speaking in tongues and frothing at the mouth. At the apex of revival is people having a thriving day to day, normal relationship with God, not necessarily anything special. That's what God has been always after from the beginning; in the garden and till now : he wants to be your friend, your lover, your father, your king!