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Tuesday 31 December 2013

13 Things I learnt From 2013

As we turn the page of 2013, into a new one, 2014 I learnt quite a couple of things from 2013 that I’d like to drop here. 2013 was a wonderful year, in evey right for me, and it's gone for good, but these are lessons I'd definitely carry to 2014.

  1. Family’s First: The foremost and most important lesson, I learnt in 2013 was that family’s first. Blood is really thicker than water. I realised that although sometimes you might doubt the wisdom in your parents decisions, you shouldn’t doubt their love. After time, you’ll realise that they always wanted the best for you, and they’re the only ones that really got your back. I’m really grateful to God for blessing me with four wonderful siblings. The love of family is so strong and I will always love my family! There’s always the time for laughter, fun, encouragement, prayer and love all the way. That’s what family is meant for.  They’d always be there for you.
    ma famille

  2. Sometimes in life, it’s just you:  There comes a time in life, your daddy can’t help you, your mummy can’t help you, it is not about who your parents are, who they know or what they have. It is not even about who your friends are, but it’s just down to you alone. You and God. Such moments where you have to take decisions yourself, decide to work hard, and not feel that somebody owes you anything. At some point, you just have to decide to start taking responsibility for your life. You have to realise that you need to seek God on your own, because the truth is that, they’re just some things that only God can help you. Nobody else can

  3. Here’s to friends that stay: Sometimes in life, things change and people invariable change with them. But here’s to friends that stay, even when life or things change in any form. Time always makes us realise those who meant the most to us. These guys are my homies and we had some ride this year, but these are the ones that mean much to me; Chiamaka, Oprite and Ovoke.      
  4. Thursday 26 December 2013

    2013 Christmas; Just another Holiday or ‘Hustle day’?

    Jingle bells jingle bells, the bunting, decoration, the lights, the trees, mistletoes, stockings hung by the fire place in anticipation of Santa’s gifts. Waking up in the morning to giftsGift with a bow under the tree, with squeals of joy here and there and groaning and moaning because of unfulfilled wish lists. This is the Christmas fantasy for some people.
    But on Wednesday the 25th of December 2013 I had Christmas alright, and I started the day with a mass, where we were celebrating Christ, in the only place where masses are done; Catholic Church! So it was a literal ‘Christ Mass’ for me. I had to trek to Church, which was a stone’s throw away from my house. It was nothing out of the ordinary, the Christmas feeling that pervaded the atmosphere. It was just like a normal Wednesday. A dusty windy morning, littered streets, stores of all kinds were open; boutiques, grocery stores, even hawkers were hawking, then I got close to the market, before the Church, and it was buzzing with all kinds of activities; people were carrying chickens in bags, buying and selling, and I tell you, amongst every other thing there in the market, the main theme was ‘chicken’ and maybe ‘turkey’. There were people buying and selling, killing, and even having to remove the feathers there in the market. ATM machines were crowed, as usual, there is never a time here in broad day light that you wouldn’t see a crowd around an ATM machine except it isn’t paying. I realised that the truth is that life has to go on, money has to be made even on Christmas day, if not you’ll die on boxing day out of hunger lol, okay that’s a jokeWinking smile.

    People say; Merry Christmas! And you may not know much about Christmas, but let’s start from the ‘merry’. Christ, came to give us Joy, and no matter how your Christmas goes, or how any other day of your life goes, you have to decide to be more than just happy, but joyful! That’s something, you’re going to have to decide.
    Before Christmas day, I had seen a lot of complaints, tweets, statuses and all, and most people were whining that it didn’t feel like Christmas, and that the Christmas atmosphere was lacking, and on and on they went. Even if no one invites you to a party, you throw a party for yourself! I think it was Joyce Meyer that said that. You have to master the art of feeling good. Happiness wears off easily, but one thing that keeps me joyful always, is the gift of Jesus;no matter what season of life you’re in now Storm cloudLightning.  He came to erase the errors of your past and give you a brighter future!SunRainbow That’ more than anything should keep you joyful if, and when indeed you’ve accepted the gift of Jesus, because just like the name implies; Christmas, Christ is the reason for the season, and you are the reason Christ came, and he loves you, He wants you to be happy, and this happiness has nothing to do with people around you, or the the things going around you; Christ wants you to be free, free from guilt, fear, condemnation and despair even uncertainty.
    Friend need to accept Jesus today as your Lord and personal Saviour, not because you’ll die tonight but because you have to live tomorrow ~ Rick Warren
    The truth is that, you might not have a perfect Christmas, everyday isn’t going to be perfect, but there’s a greater purpose that keeps you going.
    And to some of us in the struggle, it seems that we’re having the time of our lives still, and to be honest it’s not easy, but God is the reason why we smile through it all
    Whatever Christmas you had, whether it was a holiday, or just another ‘hustle day’ remember that Christ being the reason of the season, He came to give you peace, joy and bliss, just believe in Him if you haven’t with ALL your heart. Say it now;
    Jesus, I believe in you, I’m tired of running my life on my own, I need a purpose greater than me, I need peace, I need joy beyond what season I’m in, even in those dark nights, I want to be free, I realise that you’ve been better to me, than I even know how to be to myself. I give my life to you. Take it and do as you please. I trust you with my life. Something I’ve never fully been able to do with anybody else. I know every day won’t be perfect, but you’ll always be there for me!
    He has all the answers, look up to Him Pointing up He makes life worth living no matter what season of live you’re in, or how it turns out. He loves you, Jesus loves youRed heart and you have to feel loved through out every season of your life and whatever you pass through. Knowing that someone will always love you, no matter what, can make a whole lot of difference in your life!!! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

    Wednesday 18 December 2013

    Read’n Right

    more tips in the video

    Are you a science student? still in high (secondary) school? are you looking to be successful in your final school exams: WAEC, NECO, IGCSE, JAMB e.t.c? then this is for you! I would just like to share a few tips that would be hugely beneficial to you, especially if you’re in your senior years (ss1, ss2 and ss3). In the video preview above, I shared practical steps that you can use to tackle the reading problem. So very succinctly I would like to recap below.

    • Text-ing

    Nooo not that kind you do with your phone, this is different. It is important, necessary, exigent, appropriate, inevitable, infact I’m running out of vocabulary. But I cannot over-emphasize how important it is to use you textbooks. yeah, that’s the sort of text-ing I’m talking about Text-book. Get it? I would like to say at this point in very clear terms, that if you’re going to really excel, you can’t keep reading off only things your teacher gives you as notes. How are you going to tell me that you’re a science student, studying Chemistry, Physics, and you don’t read your textbooks on your own? it is almost impossible! before long, you will be shocked at how much information you are bereft of, how much knowledge you lack. How are you going to depend solely on what your teacher gives you, when he/she gets part of what he gives you from the textbook? but you can read the textbook on your own and get ALL of the information, and not some of what the teacher feels you need! Reading your science textbooks opens your mind to how ignorant you are.That’s the hard truth. But you don’t have to keep being ignorant, that’s why you’re reading the textbooks in the first place. And you have to cover all of them before you start writing your final exams. Well yes, very true; you have to.

    PS: I am in no form, disparaging the work, and efforts of a teacher. Infact most times, you find yourself in a place where you need the teacher to introduce a topic to you, before you can even fully grasp anything in the textbook. You also need the teacher to explain whatever you come across in the textbook that isn’t very clear to you. Reading your textbooks on your own, should compliment the work of the teacher, and not replace.

    There’s a little something I’d like to do here. I’m supposed to be paid for this, but never mind. I’d like to recommend some textbooks for you, proven and tested by the best, that’ll really help you. You see, the title of this is ‘Readin’ Right’ you need to know how to do it the right way. You will waste valuable reading time, when you consume the wrong material. Some authors have really done their job well, and have really simplified things for students. You don’t  want to have to figure out the textbook, before figuring out chemistry or Physics. I think this author has done a really good job: Solomon Dauda Yakwo; Calculations in Physics, the book is dope. Of course you must have to supplement that with your New school Physics by…. For your Chemistry, still stick with your New School Physics by Ababio and Calculations in Physics by Charles Asemota. Maths, read Everything you can! I am of the opinion that; of course we’re talking Nigerian syllabus, and WAEC, NECO in perspective, if you just focus on these only, you’ll be more effective. It’s very simplified and concise.

    • Sticky notes


    When it comes to science subjects, they’re lots and lots of, infact tons of formula. And there’s no running away from them, you just have to know it. And you know that it’s very difficult, if not impossible to get a hang of all of them, you know keep them all in your head and remember easily. So this method is very efficient; write down all your formula in sticky notes! Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, all of them. It’s easy to refer back to them time and again, and it’s portable. Means you can carry them about, virtually any and everywhere. When you make it a habit, to keep looking at these formulas that you’ve written, (with your own hand writing please!) they start sticking and after a while, formula won’t be a problem for you. You will virtually know them. It’s just that simple. What you keep seeing sticks! that’s why they’re called STICKY notes. lol I’m just playing.

    •  Jotting

    Now, very closely related to using sticky notes, as I talked about above, is jotting. Yes jotting. Jotting involves the whole caboodle. It’s all encompassing. Having settled the textbook affair, because you definitely have to read them, and regularly for that matter, but as I said earlier; what you keep seeing sticks! you have to realise something. Most times, valuable information is in between lines. Yes in between lines. It’s easy to miss them but they’re important. Think of this as a summary. Have a note book, for each of your science subjects, and after reading each topic, whatever you think would be vital, jot down. Textbooks these days are getting fancier and easier to read, but you can’t keep referring to them all the time. It can be a drag sometimes, looking for something that seems to be lost in the textbook. But Jotters are for ‘quickies’ maybe when you’re answering past questions, or just general revision. It gives you the vital and necessary information about that topic, without bothering you unnecessary information, having earlier jotted. Which will take me to my next point.

    • Past Questions

    When you’ve started following the steps above, only when and after, those steps, should you contemplate this step and not before. Don’t start answering questions when you don’t know all about that topic. You have to review what you’ve read, learnt and known. School they say, doesn’t test intelligence, but memory.Sometimes you think you know, and maybe you do, but what do the examiners want from you? you don’t give them what you know per se, you give them what they ask for. This is the test. Most of the textbook I listed above have questions after each topic. When you’re satisfied with how much you know in any particular topic, attempt ALL questions in that topic that you can find. You don’t want to have to enter the exam hall knowing a whole lot, about a particular topic, but the questions make no sense to you. That’s a huge waste of reading time, because you didn’t know what was required of you from that topic. For instance motion. when you’ve read everything about motion, projectiles, formulas and all, answer questions given in the textbook, and in other textbooks. Also, go to your past WAEC, NECO, JAMB, IGCSE questions and look for questions in that topic and answer them! The truth is that, these question recycle themselves, and they’ll come in your next test or exam, but in another form!

    • More tips and final Advice

    Finally, I’d like to add here, that whatever you do, make sure that before you start reading you have an idea of exactly what you want to cover. Don’t just read with a vague idea of so many things. If you’re reading your Physics, for instance, have it in mind before you ever start that you’d like to cover a certain topic, or area in a topic. That way, you’re able to systematically cover your textbook. Don’t just read some from this topic, that topic and so on, except you’re revising.

    Again, find what motivates you. For me, I think it’s important to find your space and what works for you. They are some environments that are absolutely impossible to read in. You’ll just be deceiving yourself if you say you’re reading in such places. Some people can read on the bed, others can’t, some people can read with others chatting in the background, others can’t, some people can stay late into the night, others can’t. Some people, food works for them, that is while reading, others will like bright lights around them. Find your space and what works for you.

    I’d be honest, it’s not everytime you’ll feel like reading, or that you’ll have perfect conditions, but it’s mind over matter…what does that even mean? But I think that it’s important to have people around you, that will not only inspire you, but will literally force you to read at some points. It’s also highly important to take advantage of every reading time you have. Anytime you sit down to read, be true to yourself that you’ll achieve something before you finish. After a while, when you’re answering questions in class, passing tests, answering past questions, it becomes far easier to read, because it’s frustrating to keep reading and see no results, but now you’re seeing results, and boy do they come quickly.

    Finally, I’ll say set milestones or little goals for yourself. The aim is to complete your textbooks (you definitely have to) go through all your past questions and all that. When you set daily, weekly, monthly goals for yourself, you’ll achieve them, and you’ll be smarter and happier. I advocate for starting early enough. Start doing these things now! follow these steps today! They’re not that hard. And you don’t have to start reading for 1 hour, but start with 15 minutes. Start small and very soon you’ll be hitting reading times you never imagined; that’s the joy of knowledge. Start as early as you can, you don’t have to wait till you’re in ss3, the earlier the better. These things are meant to be covered over a long period of time, and not rushed into your head all at once.


    Science is fun. It’s not that hard. Get over hating it, or being afraid. Open up your mind to the countless possibilities. For me, I believe anybody can study Physics and Chemistry. It’s pertinent to pay attention to all I’ve said above, and boom, there you are. Before long, you’ll be loving these subjects, and not only that, you’ll be passing them too! You can hit me for any questions. You can really succeed.

    Thursday 12 December 2013

    The price of Loyalty

    We live in a world, where loyalty is underrated, and every sense of loyalty is eroded. This is most remarkable and can be clearly seen when it comes to situations for instance in the Church, Politics, normal social scenes and what have you. We are all too familiar with cases where usually the wiser, more influential pundit in a particular field, ‘mentors’ help the upcoming but obviously talented novice, and schools and teaches that fellow the ropes, rules and rudiments of that very field.

    Fast forward a few years, the same set piece almost every time. The novice is not a novice anymore, no longer upcoming, but successful, influential in every right. You just have to wait a while longer and rumours and sparks start to fly. The once mentor and former protégé are now in the middle of a controversy. Battle of words, wits, pay, and most importantly, of loyalty. Then there’s separation and a bitter vendetta that follows in the public eye, that leaves either party yearning for approval.

    The boss most likely could have undermined, cheated, exploited the ‘student’ or the student, could have been ungrateful, unbecoming or just literally carried away by successes to now bite the fingers that once fed him. All these allegations go on and on in the public eye.

    Loyalty is very much underrated and overrated these days because, mentors are turning into domineering and overbearing overlords,

    and protégés are turning into disrespectful, ungrateful and indifferent wretches.

    This is my case full stop.  But what I’d like to offer an advice concerning this. I’ll take y’all to the Bible. Timothy 3: 1-3

    3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3

    I hope you know that we’re definitely in the last days, and people will be ungrateful. It’s just the truth. You’ll help people in this life, and they’ll eventually snub, backstab, lie, cheat on, and even reject you, despite your sacrifice. If someone is ungrateful, then somebody probably did something for them, that requires gratitude. That’s just life. People will be what they are. But that’s not all. That’s not where it ends. There’s a solution, and we can get that from the Bible also (yes I’m a church boy lol)

    There was once a story in the Bible where Jesus healed ten lepers. Only one came back to thank Him. Jesus asked about the other nine. Yes he expected them to come back, but they didn’t. Only one did. You see, the thing messing us up, is that we keep looking back for the nine and yes they’re meant to be seen given our sacrifice, but what do we do when they never show again, ever? Anytime God uses us to be a blessing to people, we keep looking back expecting much from people; the other nine. Truth is that, they’ll never come back. But apart from the fact that God promises to richly reward you for ever sacrifice, good, investment, even your time you have put into a life, you see there’s a twist to this. If you don’t give up and you keep being a blessing, there will always be that one, maybe more than one that will come along. They’ll appreciate your sacrifice, and this is not something that is forced or contrived, but coming from a grateful heart, that realises your worth and what God is using you to do. Things the majority, the other nine may have been too blind to perceive. But these people that build genuine relationships with us, make the journey easier and more worth it. Paul in the Bible had a couple of ‘ones’ Timothy, Titus, quite a couple of them.

    Let go of those other nine, that will never come back, move on, you don’t have to start any form of drama; some people still appreciate you. Some people still think you’re great.

    Someone said that, for the fact that somebody doesn’t recognise your worth doesn’t make you worth less. So the message is chill! and also be grateful to those that God has sincerely and honestly used to help you in anyway or form in life. You don’t have to always call them, text them or what have you, we can’t always have this predilection for everybody but whenever you have the opportunity, let them know that they were instrumental to where God has placed you now, or at least be nice to them, respectful and grateful and stop acting there like you got there on your own.

    by Uche Emordi @Emordiphilip on twitter

    Wednesday 11 December 2013

    A day at Oprite’s house ( with video)

    A day at Oprite’s house

    On Wednesday August the 28th of 2013, we had a get together. It was with a couple of old classmates; me, Oprite, Chiamaka, Singto and Ovoke.

    We met at Oprite's house, had a good time really, catching up on each others lives and reminiscing (not gossiping!) about events that were important to all of us.
    Being the person that I am, I started recording as we were about going. lol everything here is a memory! we took tons of pictures through out the whole thing. Oprite was like: ''Uche likes treasuring memories''
    Ovoke was sick that fateful day, and had to take druks in a drink. yuck!
    I wouldn't like to write much already, that's why there's a video and pictures to feast your eyes with.
    This post is dedicated to class of "2012!
    Here are some pictures! more in the video above.

    Tuesday 3 December 2013


    Bullying is a menace. So many people have different views on what this word means and I think it should be partly responsible for the fact that they may be bullies but do not know.
    Who is a bully? or what is bullying? I believe it is any form of berating a person because of who or what they are. I've had a couple of encounters with bullies. Even people who turned out to be friends once bullied me.
    This stuff is really bad in high school. I have seen and also suffered a lot in my then days. Name calling is very bad! people get called names, and it hurts, to be honest. I got called 'station wagon' I got mocked during sports.
    I am going to dedicate my blog to a certain course: if you feel that you are being bullied by anyone, for whatsoever reason, send me your story. There's a contact form in my blog, or just send to Send the story with pictures preferably.
    We're shutting bullies down, and for as long as I keep blogging, I have sworn to fight people that feel they can intimidate and bully people, because they think they're better.
    People should not be mocked because of how they were made by God, people should not be threatened to do what they do not want to do. You absolutely do not have the right to hit anyone. And I will keep up this fight.

    Monday 2 December 2013

    Jam session with My brother and Samuel Ovoke

    On the 16th day of November, my good friend Ovoke came around. So we had an actual jam session! It wasn't even planned. The lineup and all lol. It turned out as it did. It was fun. I later had us 'funkify' 'smile by Kirk Franklin and 'adara' by Tim Godfrey. It was cold men lol. Watch and enjoy, and share :)