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Sunday 16 February 2014

10 Reasons Why you Should Meet the Boy Your Daughter is Dating

It all depends on what you would define as 'dating' and many parents would have many many reservations on this topic, but I think you should want to know more about the boy your daughter is 'closest' with. Why, you know and could have met her closest female friend right? Not everyone is interested in the opposite sex at a young age, but the period when the hormones start shouting, you should be right by her side, and create an atmosphere of candour, and openness, whatever you do. Your daughter should be secure enough to know that you're okay with her hanging with a boy as a very 'close friend'.
So, reasons why you should meet this boy:
  1. You have to know the boy to his house, parents, school and all. Trust me this will come in handy some day
  2. It is easier to judge the intentions of people from up close! Now it is good for him to have such interest in your daughter provided the purpose is good. You can judge that when you meet with him.
  3. Knowing that you are aware of their relationship will make any boy treat your daughter, with far more respect.
  4. You can always set the guidelines, rules and boundaries for the relationship with them from the beginning. Of course purity is the key word here.
  5. Knowing and accepting your daughter's relationship beats the alternative; not accepting, and not knowing! really now.
  6. It develops a closer relationship, trust and respect for daddy from daughter, and now she can tell you anything about the relationship, and you could always intervene.
  7. If your daughter can let you know about her relationship, there's few things that she won't let you know about. And as a father, you want to know a lot about your daughter trust me.
  8. The relationship with a girl and her father builds her self esteem, because a father is not someone that would ever decide to walk out on his daughter. A girl would definitely realise this more when you're involved in this aspect of her life.
  9. It saves your daughter the stress ( and it's a whole amount of stress) of living a secret life, making furtive and clandestine moves and unacceptable secret meetings.
  10. It is important to be by your daughter's side, guiding her through the period of infatuation or maybe it could actually be love. It doesn't help when you just make rigid rules and laws and bans. Chances are that she won't listen, because feelings can be real...yup! they could get real, and the advice she should get from you she'll get from the wrong crowd; bad friends, rappers, musicians e.t.c and when you're more concerned about dropping rules and laws and not knowing how your daughter actually feels, hearing her out, talking to her honestly and gently about it, you create a real struggle for her. And the story doesn't just end because you gave a law. I'm being real.
Well this is all I have. My opinion really. This blog post should have been, do you allow your daughter date? at what age? what do you mean by dating? that's really up to your instincts at the end, after you've read this. What do I know? I know a lot! It isn't healthy to give your daughter a wrong impression about the opposite sex, or no impression at all. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is that you should be able to talk about this and many other things with your daughter in a calm and loving atmosphere. Of course I'm hoping that by the time she would have reached this stage of wanting a relationship, or whatever you'll call it, you would have trained her well enough to know the sort of people she ought to hang out with! and so you can trust her decisions. Of course, mums are colossally important in this process, but that might have to be another blog post! :) peace y'all.
What I just talked about is in the ideal world of course, and this is how I'm definitely going to go about it when I'm a dad! :)

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