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Saturday 19 April 2014

Deep Blood Red

Don't tell me that the blood of Jesus which we always talk about is over the top, played out, too religious, theoligical or down right corny. In an ICU ( Intensive Care Unit) or A and E ( Accident and Emergency) of a hospital where critical cases are handled; one time too many, you come across patients in need of blood. Such as have lost so much blood. This is a really critical case, and donors are solicited for urgently. Urgency is the key word! Blood is the life line of any individual and such person would NOT survive for long with blood from a donor. But there is another hurdle. Such a person needs blood from a donor that matches their's. So don't tell me that you can't Understand how Jesus' blood can save you. Without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sins. Every bad thing you ever did, you eventually have to suffer, and be punished. Just as in an ICU, someone had to literally shed their own blood to save a patient, and it had to match; so Also Christ also had to shed his blood to save YOU. He was the perfect match. The blood of goats, bulls, calves, no other sacrifice of blood could take away sins. Only Christ's. You are in need of the blood of the lamb. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory some point or another. And God would be just to punish us. Even after here on earth. Yes, I believe in after life! Jesus shed his blood to cleanse you from all your sins, so you can live and not die. The death you truly deserve. But you have a choice. You can accept this life line, or walk away. But, 1 out of 1 person without blood dies. The process of accepting this blood is very easy. 1. Just BELIEVE. Stop your cynicism. Believe that Jesus died for you, shed his blood to cleanse you and woke up early Sunday morning to save you. 2. CONFESS. Open your mouth, confess your sins to God. Ask him to come into your life. And declare that He is now your Lord and saviour. 3. Go back to number 1. Now Christ is the master of your life. You're now saved. If you've never done this, here is the right place and time. If you have, be assured of your salvation. You might say that this is just too simple, or easy. But, if I asked you to do something harder to save your life, wouldn't you do it? As much as it is easy, this is not a casual process. This is commitment. Remember: We're saved by grace, (not anything you've done) through faith, (believe!) in Jesus Christ (alone!!). Your past dosen't have to worry you anymore. You're saved! Born again! Happy Easter!!!

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