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Tuesday 12 November 2013

To the Broken Hearted and Disappointed

You thought that this was it; this particular place, person or thing was the only option. You even felt a godly connection, and in the future, you couldn't see life any differently; with a different person, in a different place, job or what have you.
But you were wrong! Now you really tried to make things work, give it a shot, but now it didn't work.
You cried, you were broken, confused because you couldn't see life without them or it in whatever case. You once thought it was either them, or nothing. And you say; how could this be God? this cannot be God.
Don't give up on your life now. I promise you, it might take a while but you won't hurt anymore. When the tears have dried and your head has cleared, you'll begin to be open to many other options.
Then ultimately, you start to realize and be convinced that maybe, what didn't work out was a bad idea afterall! You'll become free, light hearted and open minded. Not bitter, just peace and space for the other unknown that infact is, a better deal. When you're a prisoner of hope you'll realize that, your life can only get better not worse.
You might just have been putting God in a box, given the environment you're in, people around you and your situation. THIS CAN'T BE IT, GOD IS SO MUCH BIGGER THAN THIS!
There is a huge world out there. So many opportunities, it's huge! it's massive, it's big!
Don't be stuck in your own made up little world being depressed about petty things. It's time to move on, and yes it might take a while, but you'll realize this. It's better this way, don't beg them to stay.
And so what, someone rejected you, you'll go out, meet other people, see other people.
Some people still think you're great. Some people are still waiting on you in your future. Now as a latest single from James Fortune goes; Live through it! grow through it, get through it God loves you

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