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Tuesday 31 December 2013

13 Things I learnt From 2013

As we turn the page of 2013, into a new one, 2014 I learnt quite a couple of things from 2013 that I’d like to drop here. 2013 was a wonderful year, in evey right for me, and it's gone for good, but these are lessons I'd definitely carry to 2014.

  1. Family’s First: The foremost and most important lesson, I learnt in 2013 was that family’s first. Blood is really thicker than water. I realised that although sometimes you might doubt the wisdom in your parents decisions, you shouldn’t doubt their love. After time, you’ll realise that they always wanted the best for you, and they’re the only ones that really got your back. I’m really grateful to God for blessing me with four wonderful siblings. The love of family is so strong and I will always love my family! There’s always the time for laughter, fun, encouragement, prayer and love all the way. That’s what family is meant for.  They’d always be there for you.
    ma famille

  2. Sometimes in life, it’s just you:  There comes a time in life, your daddy can’t help you, your mummy can’t help you, it is not about who your parents are, who they know or what they have. It is not even about who your friends are, but it’s just down to you alone. You and God. Such moments where you have to take decisions yourself, decide to work hard, and not feel that somebody owes you anything. At some point, you just have to decide to start taking responsibility for your life. You have to realise that you need to seek God on your own, because the truth is that, they’re just some things that only God can help you. Nobody else can

  3. Here’s to friends that stay: Sometimes in life, things change and people invariable change with them. But here’s to friends that stay, even when life or things change in any form. Time always makes us realise those who meant the most to us. These guys are my homies and we had some ride this year, but these are the ones that mean much to me; Chiamaka, Oprite and Ovoke.                                                                                                                                    Uche Emordi and Oprite Bobmanuel  Uche Emordi and Chiamaka

      Another person that means so much to me and I love dearly is, Teniola Jegede. It’s been a long road,up until this moment, but she’s someone that has been there for me through thick and thin, and in more ways than one.
    Uche Emordi and Teniola Jegede
    me and Teniola

       This is my circle, and I believe in keeping it very small.
  4. Whoever goes around come around: This year, I met quite a number of people. Old classmates, old friends, i saw family members; cousins I hadn’t seen in years. I realised that, you never know where you will meet people in the future. If you must create a memory with them, make sure it’s a good one, because, the odds, and the concatenation of events can land you all in the same place someday; maybe in the same school, job, event center, what have you, but be sure of this, some of the people you’re seeing today, they’re coming back! you’ll still see them later in future, so be nice.

                                                                                                                                                   Uche Emordi and Gospel Uche Emordi and Ekene Agadah
    Uche Emordi and Annabelle
    me and annabelle. Met her in Cita last year

  5. Be thankful to God, be thankful to people: Be thankful for those who helped you to reach the point you are in now . Some people contributed, denied themselves sleep, put various things on the line. This year I learned to be more grateful and thankful for the people that helped me, whether it was those that were helpful to me in Cita High;  Mr Salami, Mr Enaoroh, Mr Benjamin, Mr Loveday, Mrs Joseph, and the countless, teaching and non- teaching staff of Cita High. They were of imense help to me, and I met quite a couple of them in different places too this year. I always try to holler as much as I can.
  6. You really are not responsible for anybody’s life but yours: Been in the shoes of carrying other people’s burdens, is very tiring. The last time I checked, only God can be in those shoes. I know you may be concerned, worried and depending on how close that person is,  you feel some kind of responsibility over somebody, you feel you can do something to help them and change their lives. But if you’re not careful, you start been manipulative and judgemental. Give people the right to be wrong! As much as you can advice, tweet, talk to them, God is the only one that can change a person. Quit carrying the heavy burden of how messed up someone is on your shoulders. It gets to a point that all you can do is pray for them. God will save them, help them out. He can use you, but so can he use anybody else.

  7. Every low place in your life prepares you for your high place: Life is about the highs and the lows. Nobody ever learnt anything from successes. You learn from your failures, and so called low moments in life. This year was very soul searching for me, and I had lots of plans that fell through, but God is always faithful! I got closer to God, and I now walk with Him closer than I’ve ever done before. I realised how much mastery I had in writing songs! I wrote over 20 songs this year! started blogging this year. I realised that God uses low moments to prepare us for high ones. God needs to teach you, help you, break you, before giving you the audience you want, the money you want, the contract you want, the position you want. Some people are shocked by successes, opportunities, because when it comes, they don’t have game, they don’t have material. God teaches you, prepares you, trains you speaks more audibly to you at such moments.
  8. Dreams do come true…even some fantasies: Last year, me and Ovoke were in Ini’s house. Now we three have this music relationship that goes wayyy back. We had always been playing together in High school. So after we graduated, we didn’t really have any place we could all play together in. So we sat in Ini’s house, last year contemplating on where we could all go to play together, but there was no where and we just couldn’t work the timing. This year I got tons and tons of invites to play in various events, weddings, church services, even in Cita High, but I unfortunately had to turn them all down. Many times, Ini and Ovoke, wanted me to go with them to Cita High, our alma Mata to play together, but it didn’t work out. what I didn’t know was that exactly a year after that, we would have an opportunity to play together, and not only that, it would be in my house! And we spent more than four hours jamming together after the over one year drought. If God is in it, it would always work out. Don’t give up hope.

    Uche Emordi Ini Akpabio and Samuel Ovoke
    soundproof guys!. Starting from left: ovoke, Ini and meee!

  9. Contentment Vs Ambition. It’s a tough dance: There is need to laugh, live smile, through it all, no matter what season of life you’re in. You really need to be patient with God. Let go, and let God. But the challenge is, don’t get too comfortable with where you are that you forget where God is taking you too. You need to be ambitious enough to work hard, push yourself, work!!! and don’t relax and make what was meant to be a passing place, to become a resting place!
  10. Smile a lot more. You look so much better when you smile: Smile for the camera, cheeezee! You look so much better when you smile. I had to learn the art of feeling good. Feeling comfortable all by myself. You you don’t enjoy the company of you, who will? The truth is no one is responsible for your happiness. If they won’t invite you for a party, throw one for yourself, if they won’t invite you for gigs, then you do your ‘sanging’ in the shower and in front of the mirror like a boss! but more than being, happy, I learned to have the joy and Peace. The type that only Jesus gives. so it doesn’t matter if all hell breaks lose around, you or people say hurtful things, I keep smiling, I shut those voices out.
  11. God is more than whatever you think: This lesson, for me is golden. You think God is kind, loving, but truth is He is more of that than you think. i realised that God is much ‘realer’ than you think He is. He is more real than the person you see everyday. He just wants to love you, talk to you, help you, encourage you guide you. If you find yourself in a place where you’re always looking behind you, scared of your past catching up on you, scared of the future, and then living miserably, in the present, then you don’t know how much God loves you. You’re forgiven and free! There is no fear, when you realise how much God loves you, fear has to do with punishment. He who fears doesn’t fully understand the love of God. He is not mad at you, and it’s funny how close you can get to God if you start conversing to Him like a friend.Prayer is not some burdensome, or uphill task, it is just as simple as a friendly conversation!
  12. Purpose is greater than pain: This can’t be it, God is so much bigger than this! I have always loved encouraging people. Been in a situation, where I had to  get over myself, and simply fulfil my purpose. the thing is that, walking in your purpose might not totally take the pain away, depending on the magnitude, but it will definitely reduce it. I worked with children this year which was just a great thing, because i saw myself giving back to society, and which better way to do that than to impart knowledge in the minds of future leaders. Purpose is greater than pain. If you find yourself being pushed to your life’s purpose in your painful, lonely and disappointing seasons, it’s time to stop brooding and start working. You might have to swallow your pride.                                                                                                                                              DSC00664er 

  13. God doesn’t work with our human dates, he works with seasons: I learned this lesson, some two years ago. God doesn’t work with our own dates. He has his own calendar. Life is about seasons! Just because you made a bad decision, doesn’t mean you should make a hasty one to make up for it. Like a wheel, it will roll up and come back. don’t force things. Don’t be disappointed, if it’s new year, and nothing’s new in your life. Your new season, can start with a phone call, it can start after bumping into that person, it can start after your exam. Make sure you’re sensitive to different seasons of your life, because in those times, they’re things you can only do in that season, and you won’t be able to do afterwards. They’re some people that will listen to you but for a season, while you have their ears, tell them what they need to hear, they’re some friendships for a season, even the point you’re now in is for a season. things will get better, things will change. Do what you’re supposed to do in each season of your life.
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